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Blackfoot River Watershed Assessment and TMDL

Date: August 2, 2013 Category: , , ,

DTM along with project partners completed a comprehensive TMDL and Water Quality Restoration Plan for the 500 square mile Upper Blackfoot River watershed in western Montana.  Phase 1 of this project was completed in March 2002 and included a baseline inventory composed of a comprehensive GIS-based watershed characterization, development of a Decision Support Model to assess metals and sediment pollution sources, and review and assessment of fisheries, vegetation, and land use for impacts from or to water quality impairments.  Phase 2 of this project commenced in June 2002 and included a historic aerial photo assessment, field geomorphic and habitat inventory and assessments, and development of a draft TMDL and Water Quality restoration plan.  Field observations from multiple interdisciplinary teams were documented using GPS and photographic documentation.  All data were compiled in a comprehensive GIS and summarized by reach and watershed for inclusion in the final report.  This work was followed by additional TMDL studies in the middle and lower Blackfoot River watershed.

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